Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Relationship between Neuroscience and Crime - 1852 Words

Introduction The definition of Criminology is the scientific study of crime, as a social phenomenon of criminals, and penalty treatment (Collins English Dictionary 2014). Criminology is the basis of the criminal justice system, it aids with assessing criminals and punishing them justly within the justice system. One key question that should be asked is the justice system allowing criminals to get away by pleading insane, mental, or saying that they weren’t in control of their body. This paper will look at specific examples of the relationship between neuroscience and the criminology and the law in our societies. The abuse of different types of drugs and alcohol over time will have negative side effects on your brain and body as a whole.†¦show more content†¦You can conclude that further activity of the body on mind or mind on body will not need contact and motion. As a result of this Descartes concluded that the mind and body do not impact one another in any shape of forum. Blame the Brain Article In our justice system today criminals are taking the short cut of blaming their brain and biological migrations. In an article titled â€Å"Blame the brain† by Melissa Davey an excellent example is stated in the introduction. There was an individual named Terrence Kain, he had strangled his mother to death after he had an argument with her. In his confession Kain had clearly, and openly admitted to the crime of killing his mother. Kain himself had past which involved heavy drinking, in addition he had also had his leg amputated after shooting himself, as a result in an attempt of self-defense. He had been a victim of brain damage and dementia; both of these conditions are brain disorders. Kains’ lawyers defense was that if it weren’t for the brain damage, Kain would have never strangled his mother resulting in her death. As a result of this Kain was convicted of manslaughter rather than murder. In this specific case certain individuals may argue that Kainsâ€℠¢ heavy drinking may have result in his brain damage. Yet, this would be hard to prove, as it would take extensive amounts of time, effort, and resources. Something that the criminal justice system isn’t will toShow MoreRelatedThe Psychology Of The Human Nervous System870 Words   |  4 Pagesthe next few decades. The field of neuroscience and the issue over mental health are two important issues that are affected by changes in the future. New technological advances is a significant change that will affect this two issues in the future. This change will have an affect on my career of criminal profiling in many ways. The field of neuroscience has had many advances over the years. Neuroscience is the study of the human nervous system. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Customer Service Case Study - 1489 Words

Case Study Internal Customer Attitudes Student: Date of Submission: Lecturer: Course: Customer Service Management Case Study Internal Customer Attitudes As products and services of various competing interests become increasingly equal in terms of price and quality, organisations have realized that ultimately the deciding factor in increasing or maintaining loyal customers is the commitment of an organisation to customer service strategies such as Total Quality Management (TQM). Dr Karl Albrecht and Ron Zemke have suggested in their research that, â€Å"the way employees feel is ultimately the way your customers will feel...† This case study explores the impact that an organisations customer service strategy has on the†¦show more content†¦Organisational outcomes are also affected by attitudes of dissociation from customer service. They may be the increased costs of resolving external and internal customer complaints, disillusionment/loss of the customers, inability to monitor customer service systems that identify customer wants, needs, and expectations, loss of reputation, risk of competing organisations for custome rs, high employee turnover etc. In order to establish a service culture centred on the principles of Total Quality Management, an organisation must clearly communicate this vision from the CEO and senior management down to all levels of staff including internal customers such as Pam. In this case study we saw that customer service wasn’t a priority for Pam because it wasn’t a priority for the organisation. Jonas Hansson and Bengt Klefsjo state in their research that the implementation of TQM methodologies necessitates that everyone must first understand why this model of customer service is superior to the existing standard and how it relates to the core values of the organisation. An example of an organisation’s core values that is committed to TQM might be: * Committed Leadership * Customer focused * Decisions based on facts * Continually improveShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Customer Service Skills1440 Words   |  6 Pagessummary Customers complained our staffs have very bad customer service skills and their service attitude are very rude. There are no customer service training provided to the staffs and each staff treat customers in their own way. The company is now losing customers because a lot of customer complaints and customers decide to not to come back to our company. The project is developed to help the company’s staffs to improve their customer service skills and knowledge and know how to treat customers correctlyRead MoreJohn Lewis customer service case study1710 Words   |  7 Pageskeeping customer satisfaction 2 2. California Fitness Yoga Centers Vietnam - A real example of bad practice of customer service 3 2.1. 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How, specifically is the process of attribution illustrated in this case? Ans. The process of attribution regarding the case referred, flags relatively regarding the behavior of the customer’s eye contact wrong implication. The case study stated that a in certain supermarket dozen females claimed the issue of drawing the unwanted attention for maintaining eye contact. There was no clear information as how many female employees were employed there. This may raise several questions

Monday, December 9, 2019

Roles and Types of Database Administrators

Question: Comparison between different application based on platform (Operating Systems) and How it will give benefits to the Database administrator? Answer: 1. Introduction Databases are important for storing and managing any types of data for any organizations. Databases are administered by Database Administrators. They are specialized in database management. In the next sections of this report, there will be brief discussion on database administrations, roles and types of DBAs, and a tool used by application administrator DBAs for managing applications of some database. BR*Tools Studio for Oracle has been selected as a tool for application database. After giving description of the tool there will be discussion on how the tool will be used on different operating system platforms and how that is beneficial for a DBA. (Aiken, Gillenson, Zhang, Rafner, 2011) 2. Database Administration Database administration is a collection of functions that helps in maintaining and managing a database management system. Three are different types of database management software like IBMDB2, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. Personnel who take care of the DBMS and has some IT specialization are called Database Administrators or DBAs. (Mullins, 2012) DBAs perform different kinds of tasks related to database management. Some of those roles and responsibilities are, Installing, configuring, maintaining and updating database management software, server and other related systems and products. Evaluating different features of databases and related software. Establishing and maintaining sound backup and recovery procedure and policies. Taking care of design and implementation of database. Tuning database and related application for performance booting and monitoring. Implementing and maintaining overall security and recovery of database. Setting up documentation and standards for maintain databases. Providing support for any issues related to database. In some cases, providing general or advanced solutions. There are 3 categories of database administration. Those are, 2.1 System Database Administration System database administration is also known as operation database administration or physical database administration or production support database administration. As the names suggests, system database administrations are related to responsibilities of maintaining and management of physical database like, installing, configuring, patching, keeping backups, restoring, upgrading, performance optimizing and disaster recovery. (Faircloth, 2013) 2.2 Developmental Database Administration Developmental database administration covers logical and developmental aspects of database administration. The roles and responsibilities may range from designing data model, maintenance of data model, generation of DDL bases coding, writing SQL scripts for query or tuning database performance, coding stored procedures, collaboration with developers etc. The basic goal is to add and manage suitable function or feature on the top of a physical database. (Faircloth, 2013) 2.3 Application Database Administration Application database administration is relevant to the organizations that purchase different kind of application software like Enterprise Resource Planning, Customer relationship management, supplier management etc. from third party vendors and then need to manage databases with those applications. Some examples in such cases software like Oracle Application PeopleSoft, Siebel, SAP etc. are used for database management The distinction between database management system and the application software is made clear by the DBA of the database management system. The application components of the whole infrastructure is managed by the DBA. They work on the database to catty out various tasks like installation, patching of applications, upgrading applications, cloning of database, creating and running different cleanup process or routines on databases, data load process management and other management activities. (Burleson, 1999) There is a clear difference between application DBA and system DBA. Application DBA is more focused on design of database and the routing activities, administration of database through the use of some particular applications or a subset of applications. Unlike system database administration, application database administration is not very focused on physic database environment or implementation. However, sometimes, in organization there is no explicit existence of application DBAs. However, application DBAs are important as they focus on specific applications rather than the database, thus there is chances of optimizing performance of the application. It can help in building more values in business process. (Coronel Morris, 2014) 3. BR*Tools Studio: Oracle DBA In this section, there will be a discussion on BR*Tools Studio for Oracle DBA. This application is developed and distributed by SAP. There are Windows and UNIX based versions for BR*Tools Studio. It is a useful web based interface that can be used to do all kind of administration tasks on Oracle Databases. There is a three tier architecture in the BR*Tools. Users do not need to control jobs. They just need to develop job packages. On behalf of them their client systems pass those job packages to the BR*Tools Studio Server. At the server end, the jobs are executed individually on an instance of the targeted database. There are additional supports like role based control, quick start, selection of favorite tasks etc. There is an in-built search engine in the BR*Tools Studio. It helps in keep tracking and executing the functions. (SAP, 2015) 4. Architecture Details SAP has designed the BR* Tools Studio architecture in the following way, 4.1 Multiple instance of Database and Three Tier Architecture BR*Tools Studio works on web browsers. It has three tier architecture that works on internet browsers and GUI platform. There is no need to install the software on the client side. A client can access it from a typical web browser. Thus, the client is not platform dependent and can be run from any device that supports web browsers. Additionally, the software does not need to be installed several times for different database instances. It is needed to be installed once. All instances of targeted database can be handled through the use of a single instance of BR*Tools Studio Server. (Gill, 2008) In the following picture the architecture and integration with client and servers have been illustrated. Architecture of BR*Tools Studio Source:(SAP, 2015) As, it can be seen from the illustration that the whole architecture is structured in a star like shape. More than one client can log on to the single instance of the BR*Tools Studio server that is centrally located in the architecture. On the other end, there are multiple instances of the database. These instances are also collected to the same BR*Tools Studio server instance. 1.1 Client In the BR*Tools Studio Server a user can log in as a client. BR*Tools Studio allows multiple users to log in simultaneously. Additionally it supports multiple client sessions to the studio server at the same time. A change made in one client session will be instantly visible to other sessions. (SAP, 2015) 1.2 Concept of Role Based Multi User The architecture is deployed based on full multi-user support. Each of the instance of database that is administered with BR*Tools Studio, can create more than one password protected user accounts through BR*Tools Studio. These user accounts can be personalized and set for different roles and administration privileges. This feature of administering multiple roles in BR*Tools Studio support full auditing. 1.3 Server BR*Tools Studio server is an integral part of the software. All incoming job requests are executed and administered through the studio server. When the server is down, the jobs are scheduled during the downtime without any failure. During the downtime of the server, no client can log in to it. 1.4 History, Job Queue and Scheduling When client sends a job package or a single job, it goes directly to the BR*Tools Studio Server. The server autonomously handles the job then. The job can be both scheduled immediately and executed or the job will be scheduled for later execution. Then the job will go to the job queue and will be automatically executed once it gets it turn. The server can be instructed to execute same job repeatedly for some recurrence interval specified by the client. This is supported by the recurrence job execution option in the BR*Tools Studio option. BR*Tools Server keeps track of all jobs executed by it. This records serves as history of job execution at the server. (SAP, 2015) 1.5 Status Display and Auto Update BR*Studio console provides a special status display to inform user about the current state of an instance of the database at any point of time. There is no need to refresh the display manually as it is automatic status update display. 1.6 Favorite Task Any pre-configured tasks can be saved for frequent use or later use. This task will be saved on the favorite task toolbar on the BR*Tools Studio. 1.7 Secure Connection The connection to BR*Tools Studio are created by using secure connection protocols like HTTPS, SSL etc. this is valid for the connections among the clients and the server also. 1.8 Reconnect When a client request some operation from the BR*Tools Studio Server, then the server accepts the requests and executes it autonomously. Thus, there is no need for the client to wait for the job to be done. The client can log off. Later on the client can log in from some other device or location to check the result of the request or the status of the operation requested previously. 2. Features of BR*Tools Studio The function and features of BR*Tools Studio are categorized into the following categories. 1. Console2. Administration3. Wizard4. Landscape 2.1 Console Console is the collection of the interfaces that helps in doing the tasks, viewing the jobs etc. it provides following information, 2.1.1 Instance Status It shows the latest instance of the database. The status may show that there is a SAP system connected to the database or in archived. As, the status displays are always updated automatically, so user will get information about the status updates of the instance of database after some specific interval of time. 2.1.2 My Favorite Tasks This section on the console shows a list of the favorite tasks set by the user. These tasks can be requested for execution by a single click from this section (SAP, 2015) 2.1.3 Job in Process This section on the console helps to quick understanding of the status. 2.2 Administration Administration section helps in administering all items belonging to the BR*Studio instance where the client is currently logged in. The roles set in the BR*Tools Studio will restrict the further actions by a client. Further subsections are, (Ner, Stein, Hass, Kugelberg, Kley, 2009) 2.2.1 Users There is an individual, password protected user accounts for each user in BR*Tools Studio. Each of these user profiles has default database user settings and initializations for the attributes of their profiles. Additionally, a user can set up job package and favorite tasks. The profiles can be modified. If there is sufficient authorization for user profile of a client then they can view or edit profiles of other users, create new user, remove existing user. 2.2.2 Roles Roles are assigned to individual user profiles. A role describes some operations allowed for the user. In this case, the roles required for performing database administration operations will be set for administrator profile. 2.2.3 Jobs Jobs that are already requested to the server are stored in the job section of the client profile. If a job is listed for immediate execution at the server end, then that will be executed immediately. Otherwise, jobs can be schedules or later execution or recurrence execution. The status of the jobs that are already executed, also shown here. 2.2.4 Favorite tasks A task that is already executed, can be set up as favorite task and can be used later on or can be used frequently. A task can be added or removed from favorite task list. But it may need more authorization. 2.3 Wizard Wizard tab represents the interface of BR*Tools and BR*Tools Studio. The menu structure is a bit different. A wide range of operation can be performed on the database using wizard. (SAP, 2015) Level of authorization may restricts the access to features of wizards as described, 2.3.1 Instance A database instance can be started up or shut down. Also there may be several operations specific to an instance. A detailed status report of the database instances can also be viewed from this section. 2.3.2 Database In this section a detailed view of the database architecture is available. A database architecture contains tables, table space, indexes etc., the file structure from the operating systems, like control files, data files, log files etc. owners of SAP objects. 2.3.3 Maintenance Major database administration operations like re-organization, administration, maintenance of statistics, importing or exporting different types of database objects are kept under this section. 2.3.4 Availability This section offers functions to ensure availability of data and contains recovery options, copying databases, restore, recovery, backups etc. 2.3.5 Advanced There is a command line tool available on the BR*Tools Studio platform. It helps in performing advanced levels of functions on the database instances. 2.4 Landscape In this category, the server landscape is maintained through the BR*Tools Studio environment. An administrator can log into to the studio server for a database instance. This special type of user account is marked as administrator account and is password protected. The features of this category are, 2.4.1 Server The server can be shut down to change the password for the server administrator. Until all jobs are done, the server cannot be suspended or shut down. 2.4.2 Clients All clients are needed to logged in the BR*Tools Server. 2.4.3 Instances All required administrative profiles and instances are listed here. 3 Implementation on Different Operating System Platforms BR*Tools Studio is available to be implemented on UNIX, Linux and windows based systems. For Windows based systems, the installation is pretty straight forward. SAP provides the installation files, user just need to download it and install it. (Hding, 2008) On the other hand, on the UNIX and Linux systems the software mainly works on command interfaces. There is very little scope of graphical user interface. On the contrary, on the Windows server systems, BR*Tools Studio works on GUI mode. Thus it gives more user friendly interface than the same in the UNIX or Linux systems. Hoever, command interface is also available for Windows server systems also. A typical example on Windows server system is, Screenshot for adding new data file through BR*Tools on Windows (Source: Otherwise, in both cases, the software works in the same way. A database administrators can have several benefits from BR*Tools. It gives them ease of database administration tasks from a single place. All clients and database instances are connected to the same studio server. Thus this is a single point of management. A DBA can add new users, remove user, and manage roles of the users. (Kreines Laskey, 2006) Conclusion In this report, the details and roles of different types of database administrations, roles of DBAs have been discussed. Then the discussion has become focused on application database administration. An example, BR*Tools Studio from SAP for managing Oracle Databases on different Operating system has been discussed. The BR*Tool with details on its architecture and functions have been discussed first, then, there is a discussion on how it is implemented on different operating systems like Windows, UNIX, LINUX etc. References Aiken, P., Gillenson, M., Zhang, X., Rafner, D. (2011). Data management and data administration: Assessing 25 Years of practice. Journal of Database Management (JDM) , 24-45. Alapati, S. (2003). Expert Oracle9i Database Administration. Apress. Ault, M. R. (2002). Oracle Administration and Management . John Wiley Sons. Burleson, D. K. (1999). Oracle SAP Administration. O'Reilly. Coronel, C., Morris, S. (2014). Database Systems: Design, Implementation, Management. Cengage Learning. Elmasri, R., Navathe, S. B. (2013). Fundamentals of Database Systems. Pearson . Faircloth, J. (2013). Enterprise Applications Administration. Newnes. Gill. (2008). Database Management Systems. I. K. International Pvt Ltd,. Gillenson, M. L. (2008). Fundamentals of Database Management Systems. John Wiley Sons. Hernande, J., F. M., Keogh, J. (2005). SAP R/3 Handbook. McGraw Hill Professional. Hding, M. (2008). SAP Database Administration with Oracle. Galileo Press. Kreines, D., Laskey, B. (2006). Oracle Database Administration. O'Reilly Media, Incorporated. Mannino, M. V. (2007). Database design, application development, and administration. McGraw-Hill . McFadden, F. R. (1991). Database management. Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co. Mullins, C. (2002). Database administration: the complete guide to practices and procedures. Addison-Wesley Professional. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Throughout Battery Park, In Downtown New York City, The Sculpture I Fo

Throughout Battery Park, in downtown New York City, the sculpture I found to be most intriguing is the New York City Police Memorial, by Stuart B. Crawford. Memorials and monuments create solid, deeper meaning to the public. This is because memorials contain certain information, which is clear to the viewers. This New York Police Memorial serves as a constant reminder of the officers who have past away serving the people of the city. The emotion that this piece emits is very different compared to sculptures by Alexander Calder or Ned Smyth's The Upper Room which therefore produce a different kind of interaction of the audience and the piece. In my analysis, I will have a well thought out argument on the reactions of the public to works of public art. I will discus how the Police Memorial's historical background and how it was developed. I will furthermore provide a formal description of the Memorial and how the work functions. When an artist displays a work of art in a public place he or she must take into consideration many different aspects before making the structure. The degree of interaction that may take place between the public and the work of art is well thought out by the artists. The artist considers what the piece is portraying and the purpose of making art. At the same time, different types of people are attracted to art in different ways. In this case, viewers are either fascinated by the work, reminded of the deceased, taught a lesson or simply admire the work of art. The reaction of this piece by the public ranges greatly, I witness people interacting with the work to eat their lunch or read a book, as well as people walking by it without noticing it. Memorials are meant to function as a constant reminder of the people that served the nation in some way and who have died while doing so. This is comparable to cemeteries in a way that it is for people to remember the ones that passed away. Monuments on the other hand, are meant to celebrate life or victory instead of celebrating the dead. They are similar though, in that they both unite the nation as one by bringing the people as viewers. Both monuments and memorials convey greater meanings than other works of public art, because they are functional works of art that operate as an emotional stimulant. They usually have names, dates or sometimes a little passage on the piece that explains the work's purpose. There are other public works of art that are also functional. For example, The Upper Room, by Ned Smyth. This is a structure that has chairs and tables, which are created in a very beautiful, pastel colored mosaic. It's a called a room because it act as an interior room although it is part of the exterior environment. A series of columns separates it from the surroundings. People are attracted by the soft pinkish colors and the very elaborate glass and stone mosaics. People go there to eat their lunch, relax, read a book, or just to enjoy the view of the water. Sometimes children go there and pretend the sculpture as a castle or some enchanted site that they imagine. The artist wanted to make a place for the people to come together; to commune and interact with one another. It is a place for the community to take time to relax and to break free from their busy schedule. Where as the Police Memorial is not as brightly colored because it is made to mourn the dead. The sculpture is much more private, and does not attract many viewers. There is a bench for people to sit, but the reactions of the public of these two pieces are clearly different. In comparing the Police Memorial to the works done by Alexander Calder, a sculptor of mid-twentieth century, I find that his works were more playful and pleasing to the eye. He made large metal, mobile-like pieces that stand outside buildings. His purpose behind the pieces were simpler, it was more a study of forms, shapes, color and balance. So people are attracted to the sculpture because it is a definition of

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

10 Myths About Online High Schools

10 Myths About Online High Schools Don’t believe everything you hear about online high schools. Dispel your misconceptions by finding out the truth behind the ten most common myths. Myth #1 - Colleges Won’t Accept Diplomas From Online High Schools. Colleges around the country have accepted and will continue to accept high school diplomas from students who have done their work online. There is a catch, however: in order to be widely accepted a diploma must come from an online school that has accreditation from the proper regional board. As long as this is covered, colleges should accept diplomas from distance learning schools in the same manner they accept diplomas from traditional schools. Myth #2 - Online High Schools Are for â€Å"Troubled Kids.† Some online programs cater to students who haven’t been successful in traditional schools. But, there’s a host of other schools targeted towards different groups: gifted students, adult learners, students interested in a specific topic, and people from particular religious backgrounds. See also: Is Online High School Right for My Teen? Myth #3 - Online Classes Aren’t as Challenging as Traditional Classes. It’s true that some online classes aren’t as challenging as traditional high school classes. But, some traditional high school classes aren’t as challenging as other traditional high school classes. When looking for an online school, you’ll find a wide range of difficulty. The nice thing is that you can pick the school and class type that fits your knowledge and ability best. Myth #4 - Online High Schools Are as Expensive as Private Schools. Some online high schools are pricey, but there are also many quality schools with low tuition rates. Even better, state-sponsored charter schools give online students the opportunity to learn for free. Some charter schools will even provide a home computer, internet access, specialized materials, and personal tutoring at no cost. Myth #5 - Distance Learning Students Don’t Get Enough Socialization. Just because a student isn’t socializing at school, it doesn’t mean he or she doesn’t have the opportunity to socialize outside of the classroom. Many distance learning students connect with friends in their neighborhoods, meet others through community organizations, and participate in outings with other online students. Online schools may also provide the opportunity to interact with students and teachers through message boards, email addresses, and live chat. Is the half hour lunch break at traditional high schools really enough time to socialize anyway? Myth #6 - Online High School Students Do Less Work Than Traditional Students. Online students may finish their work faster than traditional students, but that doesn’t mean they’re doing less. Consider the interruptions in a traditional school day: breaks, transition periods, busy work, waiting for other students to catch up, teachers trying to quiet down the class. If there were some way to take out those interruptions and just let students focus on their work, they’d probably finish in about the same time it takes  online learners  to complete their assignments. Of course, this isn’t an absolute and the amount of work can vary between online schools. Some may offer a lighter load and others may challenge students with even more work than traditional schools. Myth #7 - Students Who Earn Credits Online Won’t Be Able to Transfer Them to Traditional High Schools. As long as the online high school is accredited, the credits should be able to transfer to a traditional high school. Sometimes credits don’t transfer because the traditional high school has different graduation requirements than the online school. In this case, the credits  don’t transfer because the traditional school has nowhere  to record them, not because the online school isn’t being recognized. The same issue can be a problem when students try to transfer credits between two traditional high schools. Myth #8 - Distance Learning Students Don’t Get Enough Physical Activity When They Take Classes Online. Most online schools require that students complete a physical education requirement in order to graduate. Many distance learning students also participate in community sports teams and other athletic activities. Some  traditional schools  even make exceptions allowing local distance learning students to participate in school sports programs. Myth #9 - Distance Learning Students Can’t Participatein Extracurricular Activities. It’s true that most online students will miss out on prom. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t have access to exciting, worthwhile activities. Some online schools organize social outings for students. With special permission, many traditional high schools will allow local students to participate in specific activities while continuing their studies elsewhere. Online students can also become involved in community clubs, classes, and volunteerism. Myth #10 - Online High Schools Are Just for Teenagers. Adults looking to get their high school diplomas are welcome to participate  in many online high school programs. Distance learning schools are often convenient for adults who hold jobs and can only complete assignments during certain hours. Some schools even have programs created specifically for mature students.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Climate Change and Its Connections to Norms Lifestyle

Climate Change and Its Connections to Norms Lifestyle In May 2014,  two new climate change studies  were published, showing that the catastrophic collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet is underway, and has been for over two decades. The melting of this sheet is significant because it acts as a linchpin for other glaciers and ice sheets in Antarctica that will, in turn, melt over time. Ultimately, the melting of the south polar ice cap will raise sea levels globally by as much as ten to thirteen feet, adding on to the sixty-nine  feet of sea level rise that scientists have already attributed to human activity.  A 2014 report by The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warned  that we are underprepared for extreme climate events, as has been demonstrated by deadly heat waves, droughts, floods, cyclones, and wildfires. Yet, there is a troubling gap between the serious reality depicted by climate change science and the level of concern among the U.S. public. An April 2014 Gallup Poll  found that, while most U.S. adults view climate change as a problem, only 14 percent believe that the implications of climate change have reached a â€Å"crisis† level. A full third of the population believe that climate change is not a problem at all. Sociologist Riley Dunlap, who conducted the poll, also found that self-identified political liberals and moderates are far more concerned about the impacts of climate change than are conservatives. But, regardless of political inclinations, worry and action are two different things. Across the U.S., meaningful action in response to this harsh reality is scant. Research shows clearly that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmospherenow at an unprecedented 401.57  parts per millionis a direct result of the process of capitalist industrialization that has unfolded since the late 18th century. Climate change is a direct consequence of the widespread, now globalized, mass production and consumption of goods, and of the material construction of our habitat that has accompanied it. Yet, despite this reality, production and construction continue unabated. How Consumerism Shapes Our Impact on the Climate Its hard to accept that things need to change. As people who live in a society of consumers, who are steeped in consumerist way of life, we are socially, culturally, economically, and psychologically invested in this system. Our everyday life experiences, our relationships with friends and loved ones, our practices of leisure and amusement, and our personal goals and identities are all organized around practices of consumption. Many of us  measure our self-worth by how much money we make, and by the quantity, quality, and newness of stuff we are able to buy. Most of us, even if we are critically aware of the implications of production, consumption, and waste, can’t help but want more. We are inundated with advertising so clever that it now follows us around the internet and pushes notifications of sales to our smartphones while we shop. We are socialized to consume, and so, when it comes down to it, we don’t really want to respond to climate change. According to the Gallup poll, most of us are willing to acknowledge that it is a problem that must be addressed, but it seems that we expect someone else to do that work. Sure, some of us have made lifestyle adjustments, but how many of us are involved in forms of collective action and activism that work productively toward  social, political, and economic change? Most of us tell ourselves that achieving large-scale, long-term change is the work of the government or corporations, but not us. What Fighting Climate Change Really Means If we believed that a systemic response to climate change was an equally shared responsibility, was our responsibility, we would be responding to it. We would cast aside the mostly symbolic responses, given their marginal impact, of recycling, banning plastic shopping bags, swapping incandescent for halogen lightbulbs, purchasing â€Å"sustainable† and â€Å"green† consumer goods, and driving less. We would recognize that the solution to the dangers of global climate change cannot be found within the very system that has caused the problem. We would, instead, recognize that the system of capitalist production and consumption is the problem. We would renounce the values of this system, and foster new values oriented to sustainable living. Until we do that, we’re all climate change deniers. We may recognize that it exists, but most of us are not protesting in the streets. We might have made some modest adjustments to it, but we’re not giving up our consumer lifestyle. Most of us are in stark denial of our complicity in the changing climate. We are in denial of our responsibility to facilitate the necessary social, cultural, economic, and political changes that could begin to stem the tide of catastrophe. However, meaningful change is possible, but it will only happen if we make it so. To learn about how sociologists are addressing  climate change, read this report from the American Sociological Associations Task Force on Climate Change.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Management - Essay Example On the other hand oral communication takes place most commonly and informally all around organizations. This form is also time consuming and difficult to document but is more personal and gives immediate feedback. Non-Verbal communication is another important form of message conveyance by means of using elements and behavior that are not coded into words. It involves body movements and gestures (kinesics behavior), influence of proximity and space on communication (proxemics), tone & quality of voice (paralanguage) and object language that is using clothes, perfumes and furniture to communicate. Communication systems provide formal and informal methods for moving information through an organization so that appropriate decisions can be made (Werther & Davis, 2000). Downward communication system is information that begins at some point in the organization and cascades down the hierarchy to inform and influence, for example, announcements through employee bulletin boards & company newsl etters informing the employee of the latest development and direction in which the organization is moving or any new policy being introduced. An upward communication system involves getting information from the employees for example their feedback, suggestion or complaints. Grapevine communication also takes place which at times proves to be quite influential, it arises from social interaction between employees in the organization and is also used as tool to obtain off-the-record feedback from employees. Effective communication has increased importance nowadays as it motivates employees and improves relations with suppliers, helps take accurate and complete decision making, helps control and coordinates business activities. The primary functions of organizational communication is compliance-gaining, leading, motivating, influencing, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict management, negotiating & bargaining. Using effective communication as a tool to boost motivation ensures uni ty in working towards similar goals, gives employees the ownership of the goals, by asking for their feedback and suggestion they are involved in the decision making, hence putting into effect Hawthorne Theory into effect and increasing productivity. External communication with stakeholders and customers is also extremely important; it is done through meetings with stakeholders such as investors, business alliances, suppliers & dealers and customers, through written letters or through emails. Annual Report is a very effective tool distributed each year to give assessment of the company to its stakeholders. Further Websites are also an effective means of external communication these days. Annual General Meetings are also conducted to communicate company performance and key issues faced as well as future direction is discussed. Numerous theories are related to effective communication and impacts communication in an organization. Leon Festinger (1957) in his theory of cognitive dissona nce explains that people get an uncomfortable feeling, a psychological conflict from holding two or more incompatible beliefs simultaneously. Cognitive dissonance is a relatively straightforward social psychology theory that has enjoyed wide acceptance in a variety of disciplines including communication. There is a profound reluctance in corporate environments to acknowledge any kind of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Energy Sources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Energy Sources - Essay Example Surprisingly enough, the number of supporters of this source of energy was still high among the American participants of the McRumours forum that discussed the pros/cons of the nuclear energy use a few days after the Fukushima disaster.Apart from financial benefits, it is often said that nuclear power is environmentally friendly. For example, Steven Kerekesfrom the U.S. Nuclear Energy Institute believes that nuclear power generation plays a prominent role in the reduction of carbon emissions around the world. However, the arguments in favor of the nuclear energy use seem lame if one considers the arguments against it.The financial benefits are evidently outweighed by health risks associated with dealing with nuclear power waste and meltdown. While a generation of power seems relatively clean if compared to fossil fuels, the by-products need to be stored for hundreds of years in secluded facilities, some of which are situated â€Å"deep inside the mountains†. Given the fact tha t high-level radioactive waste has to be kept for hundreds of thousands of years till it is recognized safe to be released into the environment, opponents of nuclear waste rightfully contend that in reality there does not exist a place in the world which is truly safe. Indeed, as Jim Riccio, Nuclear Energy Campaign Director for Greenpeace, says â€Å"nothing you put the waste in will last longer than the waste itself, so burying it basically acquiesces to the fact that it will eventually leak†¦.just like every other radioactive dump site.†... participants of the McRumours forum that discussed the pros/cons of the nuclear energy use a few days after the Fukushima disaster (â€Å"McRumors Forum†, 2011, [online]).Apart from financial benefits, it is often said that nuclear power is environmentally friendly. For example, Steven Kerekesfrom the U.S. Nuclear Energy Institute believes that nuclear power generation plays a prominent role in reduction of carbon emissions around the world. It does not affect the climate, therefore it is quite clean and safe, Kerekes said in his interview to Earth Techling back in 2010 (DeFreitas, 2010, [online]). However, the arguments in favor of the nuclear energy use seem lame if one considers the arguments against it.The financial benefits are evidently outweighed by health risks associated with dealing with nuclear power waste and meltdown. While generation of power seems relatively clean if compared to fossil fuels, the byproducts need to be stored for hundreds of years in secluded fac ilities, some of which are situated â€Å"deep inside the mountains† (â€Å"Nuclear Power: Risks and Rewards†, 2012, [online]). Given the fact that high-level radioactive waste has to be kept for hundreds of thousands of years till it is recognized safe to be released into the environment, opponents of nuclear waste rightfully contend that in reality there does not exist a place in the world which is truly safe. Indeed, as Jim Riccio, Nuclear Energy Campaign Director for Greenpeace, says â€Å"nothing you put the waste in will last longer than the waste itself, so burying it basically acquiesces to the fact that it will eventually leak†¦.just like every other radioactive dump site.† (DeFreitas, 2010, [online]). Apart from this, the aftermaths of nuclear accidents that occasionally happen throughout

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Mid-Semester Exam Essay Example for Free

Mid-Semester Exam Essay ?Both Heraclitus and Parmenides were obsessed with change. Explain how change fits into each of their philosophical systems. Are there any two similarities in their two accounts? Why are they so important to later metaphysicians such as the particle theorists? Heraclitus believed in the unity of opposites. The succession of the opposites brings out his key notion of change. The successive manifestation of contrary properties in an object is a way of saying that everything undergoes change. All, things, according to Heraclitus, are in a constant flux. Comparing this change to stepping into a river, he says: ‘you cannot step twice into the same river. ’ I agree with this proposition considering the fact that the molecular property of a river at an instance is not the same, since it is constantly flowing. The constant flowing of the river suggests a constant movement of molecules so that new molecules interact with objects the river is in contact with. One may return to the same river, but fresh waters have flowed into it, making it different. With this notion of change, it can be said that nothing retains its identity, though it remains the same thing. The object therefore endures, even though it is undergoing constant change and some of its components or characteristics may be lost. I think that the unity of the opposites therefore is a necessity for the existence of equilibrium, so that though in opposition, they maintain a balance and order in an object, and in nature as a whole. This unity which brings about balance and order is what Heraclitus calls the logos. Parmenides’ views are a contrast to those of Heraclitus; a sharp turn around the notion of change. He denies the reality of change, motion and void. For him, change is impossible and incoherent. All existence is permanent, ungenerated, indestructible and unchanging. In his view, there are no opposites, no plurality. For him, change and motion were mere illusions. He favored pure reason as a path of understanding the world and its nature. He argued against the existence of void, equating it with non-being. For Parmenides, what ‘is’ must exist, and what ‘is not’ cannot exist, and is ‘completely unlearnable’. Only two things underlie reality for Parmenides: being and non-being. Anything that can exist and can be thought about must exist. It is therefore impossible to think or speak about what does not exist. Therefore, nothing cannot exist, and nothing can come into existence if it is not. For him, there is no difference between past, present and future. Therefore what is, already exists, and will exist, without change. What is, is therefore necessary. Parmenides names the logos of Heraclitus, being. He opposes two possibilities for thought, being and non-being, and says that being is the only way that can be for thinking. The most non-being could do would be to ‘not be. ’ The appearances referred to as illusion or delusion are like what Heraclitus calls the ‘flux and flow’ of reality – beings coming to be and passing away; this permeates all reality; but in Parmenides’ view, they must only and can only return to being at what is perceived as destruction. For particular theorists, atomists in particular, the permanence of Parmenides and flux of Heraclitus are reconciled, and the atomic theory was conceived. I think this is their most important contribution to later metaphysicians.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Buffalo Soldiers :: essays research papers

Daily Life on the Western Frontier Daily life for the troops of the 9th and 10th Cavalries was harsh, but, for the most part, it was similar to that of their White counterparts. During the 1860s and 70s, the frontier forts resembled little more than rundown villages, and the enlisted men's barracks were often poorly ventilated, insect infested hovels. The only bathing facilities usually consisted of the local creek. As a result, diseases such as dysentery, bronchitis, and tuberculosis were a common problem. Rations throughout the Indian campaigns consisted mainly of beef or bacon, potatoes, beans, fresh vegetables from the post garden, and sometimes fruit or jam. The work week was seven days, with the exception of the fourth of July and Christmas. The monthly pay for a private was a mere $13. When available, many of the African-American troops spent leisure hours in schools established to alleviate the illiteracy mandated by slavery. The schools were normally run by chaplains assigned to the Black units, for this purpose. Other leisure activities were few, especially for the African-American troops stationed in west Texas. Only a small percentage of enlisted men were able to bring their wives with them to the frontier posts. The small villages which grew up around the forts were usually little more than a collection of saloons and gambling parlors, inhabited by some of the more unsavory characters on the frontier. Here, partially due to the federal government's harsh reconstruction policies, racial prejudice by both local citizens and law officers was severe. When disputes arose among Buffalo Soldiers and locals, the local law and juries consistently sided against the troops. The most serious problem faced by the Army during the Indian War period was desertion. In 1868, the desertion rate for enlisted personnel was approximately 25 percent. Desertions among White regiments were roughly three times greater than those among Black units.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

IOM and Nursing Transformation Essay

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is an American, not-for-profit, non-governmental, unaffiliated, organization created for the sole purpose to serve as an advisor to the government and every sector in society in order to make better informed health care decisions. Established in 1970 the IOM organization has been answering the nation’s most pressing questions about health care over the past 4 decades. October 5, 2010, the IOM in collaboration with The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), released its recommendations on nursing in the United States. The report entitled, â€Å"The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health† explore the need for health care nursing professionals to evolve and prepare for the dynamic work environment in which they will take part, providing an action-oriented blue print for the health care professional as a guide to practice (Institute of Medicine, 2010). The IOM report continues to have an immense impact on nursing care today, transforming primary practice, education, and the leadership roles of health care provider. Within the IOM report, 4 key messages were provided as follows, 1. Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training. 2. Nurses should achieve higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes seamless academic progression. 3. Nurses should be full partners with physicians and other health care professionals in redesigning healthcare in the U.S. 4. Effective workforce planning and policy making require better data collection and an improved information infrastructure (Institute of Medicine, 2010, p. 4). On the grand scale, nursing is by far the largest force in health care, by sheer numbers the impact nurses make in health care is astounding. Nurses are vital to the change and success of health care reform. The IOM cites the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a new law signed into effect March 23, 2010, by President Obama. The ACA allows the public better access to care, stronger Medicare, more affordable coverage, and stronger consumer rights and protections (THE WHITEHOUSE.GOV, n.d.). What The ACA means for nursing practice is, with insurance becoming more readily accessible to the public, it is inevitable that patient loads will increase causing a higher demand for educated and skilled nurses. New rules mandating patients and practitioners meeting face-to-face at the start of care and mandating regular check-ups as preventative care will also increase demand for nurses. To meet this growing need for health care professionals current and prospective providers look to provide motivation. Funding has been made available to nurses as an incentive to pursue advanced degrees and become lifelong learners by creating stricter regulation for continuing education requirements. Employers are becoming extremely cognizant of the growing demand and are willing to provide career assistance, and tuition reimbursement in order to remain competitive in the healthcare industry as well as increase employee retention. Education is vital to achieve the goal of the IOM desiring to increase the number of BSN educated nurses from 50% to 80% by the year 2020(The Forum of Nursing Workforce Centers, 2012). With education, comes responsibility. As part of the vision of the IOM, nurses should become full partners in collaboration and shall become leaders, whether it be formal or informal. Leadership should be integrated in all aspects of nursing, â€Å"from the bedside to the boardroom† (Institute of Medicine, 2010, p. 221). Leaders aren’t just policy makers and managers anymore, they are mentors, teachers and advocates, for their patients as well as each other. As leaders nurses should collaborate with multidisciplinary team members to provide safe and effective care, sharing their knowledge, skills and critical thinking expertise. Being an informal leader also involves mentoring peers and acting as a resource, fostering an environment conducive for growth and success as well as professional development. Addressing the call to action by changing practices to meet the recommendations is vital to the transformation of nursing. To meet this call to action, my first goal is to obtain my Bachelor of Science in nursing degree. Education is the foundation the gives us the ability to grow and thrive in our profession successfully. I challenge myself to continue with my education and going forward continue on the path as a lifelong learner. I vow to seek opportunities available to me to enhance my knowledge and skill base whether it is through my employer, my state required continuing education credits (CEU’s), or a nursing organization such as my membership with the American Association of Critical Care nurses (AACN). I will continue to collaborate with all team members, be an advocate and to be a mentor and a resource to my peers, and promote education and learning through them as well. And finally I will accept this call to action by challenging my other peers and cohorts to do the same. References Institute of Medicine. (2010). The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Retrieved from THE WHITEHOUSE.GOV. (n.d.). The Forum of Nursing Workforce Centers. (2012).

Saturday, November 9, 2019

False Memories in Psychology Apa Style Essay

Condition in which a person’s identity and interpersonal relationships are centered around a memory of traumatic experience which is objectively false but in which the person strongly believes. Note that the syndrome is not characterized by false memories as such. We all have memories that are inaccurate. Rather, the syndrome may be diagnosed when the memory is so deeply ingrained that it orients the individual’s entire personality and lifestyle, in turn disrupting all sorts of other adaptive behavior†¦ False Memory Syndrome is especially destructive because the person assiduously avoids confrontation with any evidence that might challenge the memory. Thus it takes on a life of its own, encapsulated and resistant to correction. The person may become so focused on memory that he or she may be effectively distracted from coping with the real problems in his or her life. A false memory is a memory which is a distortion of an actual experience, or a confabulation of an imagined one. Many false memories involve confusing or mixing fragments of memory events, some of which may have happened at different times but which are remembered as occurring together. Many false memories involve an error in source memory. Some involve treating dreams as if they were playbacks of real experiences. Still other false memories are believed to be the result of the prodding, leading, and suggestions of therapists and counselors. Finally, Dr. Elizabeth Loftus has shown not only that it is possible to implant false memories, but that it is relatively easy to do so (Loftus, 1994). A memory of your mother throwing a glass of milk on your father when in fact it was your father who threw the milk is a false memory based upon an actual experience. You may remember the event vividly and be able to â€Å"see† the action clearly, but only corroboration by those present can determine whether your memory of the event is accurate. Distortions such as switching the roles of people in one’s memory are quite common. Some distortions are quite dramatic, such as the following examples of false memories due to confusion about the source of the memory. A woman accused memory expert Dr. Donald Thompson of having raped her. Thompson was doing a live interview for a television program just before the rape occurred. The woman had seen the program and â€Å"apparently confused her memory of him from the television screen with her memory of the rapist† (Schacter, 1996, 114). Jean Piaget, the great child psychologist, claimed that his earliest memory was of nearly being kidnapped at the age of 2. He remembered details such as sitting in his baby carriage, watching the nurse defend herself against the kidnapper, scratches on the nurse’s face, and a police officer with a short cloak and a white baton chasing the kidnapper away. The story was reinforced by the nurse and the family and others who had heard the story. Piaget was convinced that he remembered the event. However, it never happened. Thirteen years after the alleged kidnapping attempt, Piaget’s former nurse wrote to his parents to confess that she had made up the entire story. Piaget later wrote: â€Å"I therefore must have heard, as a child, the account of this story†¦ and projected it into the past in the form of a visual memory, which was a memory of a memory, but false† (Tavris). Remembering being kidnapped when you were an infant (under the age of three) is a false memory, almost by definition. The left inferior prefrontal lobe is undeveloped in infants, but is required for long-term memory. The elaborate encoding required for classifying and remembering such an event cannot occur in the infant’s brain. The brains of infants and very young children are capable of storing fragmented memories, however. Fragmented memories can be disturbing in adults. Schacter notes the case of a rape victim who could not remember the rape, which took place on a brick pathway. The words brick and path kept popping into her mind, but she did not connect them to the rape. She became very upset when taken back to the scene of the rape, though she didn’t remember what had happened there (Schacter 1996, 232). Whether a fragmented memory of infant abuse can cause significant psychological damage in the adult has not been scientifically established, though it seems to be widely believed by many psychotherapists. What is also widely believed by many psychotherapists is that many psychological disorders and problems are due to the repression of memories of childhood sexual abuse. On the other hand, many psychologists maintain that their colleagues doing repressed memory therapy (RMT) are encouraging, prodding, and suggesting false memories of abuse to their patients. Many of the recovered memories are of being sexually abused by parents, grandparents, and ministers. Many of those accused claim the memories are false and have sued therapists for their alleged role in creating false memories. It is as unlikely that all recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse are false as that they are all true. What is known about memory makes it especially difficult to sort out true from distorted or false recollections. However, some consideration should be given to the fact that certain brain processes are necessary for any memories to occur. Thus, memories of infant abuse or of abuse that took place while one was unconscious are unlikely to be accurate. Memories that have been directed by dreams or hypnosis are notoriously unreliable. Dreams are not usually direct playbacks of experience. Furthermore, the data of dreams is generally ambiguous. Hypnosis and other techniques that ply upon a person’s suggestibility must be used with great caution lest one create memories by suggestion rather than pry them loose by careful questioning. Furthermore, memories are often mixed; some parts are accurate and some are not. Separating the two can be a chore under ordinary circumstances. A woman might have consciously repressed childhood sexual abuse by a neighbor or relative. Some experience in adulthood may serve as a retrieval cue and she remembers the abuse. This disturbs her and disturbs her dreams. She has nightmares, but now it is her father or grandfather or priest who is abusing her. She enters RMT and within a few months she recalls vividly how her father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, priest, etc. , not only sexually abused her but engaged in horrific satanic rituals involving human sacrifices and cannibalism. Where does the truth lie? The patient’s memories are real and horrible, even if false. The patient’s suffering is real whether the memories are true or false. And families are destroyed whether the memories are true or false. Should such memories be taken at face value and accepted as true without any attempt to prove otherwise? Obviously it would be unconscionable to ignore accusations of sexual abuse. Likewise, it is unconscionable to be willing to see lives and families destroyed without at least trying to find out if any part of the memories of sexual abuse is false. It also seems inhumane to encourage patients to recall memories of sexual abuse (or of being abducted by aliens) unless one has a very good reason for doing so. Assuming all or most emotional problems are due to repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse is not a good enough reason to risk harming a patient by encouraging delusional beliefs and damaging familial relationships. Assuming that if you can’t disprove that a patient was abducted by aliens, then he probably was, is not a good enough reason. A responsible therapist has a duty to help a patient sort out delusion from reality, dreams and confabulations from truth, and real abuse from imagined abuse. If good therapy means the encouragement of delusion as standard procedure, then good therapy may not always be worth it. Finally, those who find that it is their duty to determine whether a person has been sexually abused or whether a memory of such abuse is a false memory, should be well versed in the current scientific literature regarding memory. They should know that all of us are pliable and suggestible to some degree, but that children are especially vulnerable to suggestive and leading questioning. They should also remember that children are highly imaginative and that just because a child says he or she remembers something does not mean that he or she does. However, when children say they do not remember something, to keep questioning them until they do remember it, is not good interrogation. Investigators, counselors, and therapists should also remind themselves that many charges and memories are heavily influenced by media coverage. People charged with or convicted of crimes have noticed that their chances of gaining sympathy increase if others believe they were abused as children. People with grudges have also noticed that nothing can destroy another person so quickly as being charged with sexual abuse, while at the same time providing the accuser with sympathy and comfort. Emotionally disturbed people are also influenced by what they read, see, or hear in the mass media, including stories of repressed abuse as the cause of emotional problems. An emotionally disturbed adult may accuse another adult of abusing a child, not because there is good evidence of abuse, but because the disturbed person imagines or fears abuse. In short, investigators should not rush to judgment.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Kudler Fine Foods Technology Solutions Essay Example

Kudler Fine Foods Technology Solutions Essay Example Kudler Fine Foods Technology Solutions Essay Kudler Fine Foods Technology Solutions Essay Kidders human resources department focuses on employment policies, training, payroll functions, and hiring processes. The purpose of this paper is to view the potential technology solutions and needed software that may add value to Judder Fine Foods and their human resources department. Analysis of Judder Fine Foods As an information technology director Awaken is recommending Kathy Judder to up- date and improve their human resources software systems. Resource Management Information Systems are necessary for analyzing employees information. Resource Management Information Systems usually provide the capability to much effective business plans, control costs, and improved the quality in HRS decision making, and improving employee productivity (Dresser ; Associates, 2013, Para. 2). Kidders human resources and payroll functions are much Important concerning employee hire dates and work hours. Kidders uses Quick Books and outsource their payroll process to track hire dates and employees pay rates. Kidders Potential Technology Solutions Awaken recommends possible software solutions that include Visual Staff Scheduler, and Human Resources Data Manager. Human Resources Software Staff Files 8. Lowell assist Judder Find Foods with employees records, performance reviews, and employee safeguard protection. The NOW solutions product, [emailprotected], Is a web- based Human Resources Management offers solution that integrates human resources, payroll, administrative capabilities as well as employee self-service. The NOW Solutions product also provides employee tracking information, such as salaries, benefits, absences, and performance reviews (NOW Solutions, 2010). Muckrake web-based resource management software is much needed for Kidders. Muckrake can automate much of Kidders functions In their HRS department and any parts of Kidders organization (Muckrake, 2013). Vista Human resources Management Systems includes recruiting, self-service, Family Medical Leave Act Administration (Vista HRS, 2013). The Human Resources Management Software allows employees to review their pay roll history. HRS delivers information to recipients online at any time and place (HID System Technologies, 2013). Genealogy Pro Ana cons The advantage of the Human Resources Staff Files 8. 0 software is the software is flexible and can track employee wages and benefits. The present system used by Judder Fine Foods present system consists of the Retail Enterprise Management System (REAMS). Kidders would benefit from the Human Resources Management System (HRS) because the software system would enable Kidders to maintain his or her employee records at his or her main headquarters. The use of an HRS would also allow Kidders to complete payroll and workers compensation functions. Vista Human Resources Management Systems would help Kidders communicate across border in a database. The Cons is no one software product is designed to handle every business need. Centralization of Employee Records Kidders human resources department employee assistants keeps records and information about employees complaints, grievances, and harassment issues. Much of the employee records are maintained in Kidders individual stores. Kidders human resources department has no centralization concerning their employee records. Much of the companys workers compensation process is handled by vendors and their time sheets are done manually (Judder, 2012). Awaken recommends that Kidders uses Bamboo web-based HRS management system software to track and centralize employees data. Automation of Time Tracking Judder Fine Foods is responsible for tracking employees request for sick and other time off hours, such as employee vacations. Time tracking tools help Kidders to operates more productive in a highly automated environment with employee online connectivity. Kidders Fine Foods must have time tracking and time sheet submittal software to track employee information. Timeshare Submittal Kidders employees are presently filling out time sheets manually and the time sheets are faxed to Kidders accounting department. Timeshare submittal software may be much helpful for Judder Find Foods because employee will have easy online access of logging in and completing time sheets. This will help managers and employees improve their communications and missed connections concerning worked hours. Kidders has no automated system for tracking vacation hours. Device Software products provides comprehensive features and tools so that Kidders can accurately and efficiently track employees information and manage his or her time. Mutants web-based timeshare software will also help Kidders track employee hours and payroll information. Tracking Applicants Judder uses Quick Books to keep track of their employee payroll process. Keller also outsource and the outsourcing company has employee information, including tax information and pay rates. Employees can interact with a Kiosk Machine and manage his or her human resources information, and Kidders managers can use Kiosk software to track applicants. Employee Self-Service Cookware offers a secure kiosk browser where employees can receive instant feedback and self-service. According to Cookware (2003-2013) Internet Kiosk software converts computer into self-service kiosk. It prevents hacking and downtime, blocks the system keys like (Para. 1). Internet Technology Sealers computer systems Tort can store nave a stand-alone network Ana Internet components.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Washington Irving

Washington Irving Washington Irving was the first American to make a living as an author and during his prolific career in the early 1800s he created celebrated characters such as Rip Van Winkle and Ichabod Crane. His youthful satirical writings popularized two terms still closely associated with New York City, Gotham and Knickerbocker. Irving also contributed something to holiday traditions, as his conception of a saintly character with a flying sleigh delivering toys to children at Christmas evolved into our modern depictions of Santa Claus. Early Life of Washington Irving Washington Irving was born April 3, 1783 in lower Manhattan, during the week that New York City residents heard of the British ceasefire in Virginia that effectively ended the Revolutionary War. To pay tribute to the great hero of the time, General George Washington, Irvings parents named their eighth child in his honor. When George Washington took the oath of office as the first American president at Federal Hall in New York City, six-year-old Washington Irving stood among the thousands of people celebrating in the streets. A few months later he was introduced to President Washington, who was shopping in lower Manhattan. For the rest of his life Irving told the story of how the president patted him on the head. While attending school, young Washington was believed to be slow-witted, and one teacher labeled him a dunce. He did, however, learn to read and write, and became obsessed with telling stories. Some of his brothers attended Columbia College, yet Washingtons formal education ended at the age of 16. He became apprenticed to a law office, which was a typical route to becoming a lawyer in the era before law schools were common. Yet the aspiring writer was  far more interested in wandering about Manhattan and studying the daily life of New Yorkers than he was in the classroom. Early Political Satires Irvings older brother Peter, a physician who was actually more interested in politics than medicine, was active in the New York political machine headed by Aaron Burr. Peter Irving edited a newspaper aligned with Burr, and in November 1802 Washington Irving published his first article, a political satire signed with the pseudonym Jonathan Oldstyle. Irving wrote a series of articles as Oldstyle over the next few months. It was common knowledge in New York circles that he was the real author of the articles, and he enjoyed the recognition. He was 19 years old. One of Washingtons older brothers, William Irving, decided that a trip to Europe might give the aspiring writer some direction, so he financed the voyage. Washington Irving left New York, bound for France, in 1804, and didnt return to America for two years. His tour of Europe broadened his mind and gave him material for later writing. Salmagundi, a Satirical Magazine After returning to New York City, Irving resumed studying to become a lawyer, but his real interest was in writing. With a friend and one of his brothers he began collaborating on a magazine that lampooned Manhattan society. The new publication was called Salmagundi, a familiar term at the time as it was a common food similar to present day chefs salad. The little magazine turned out to be shockingly popular and 20 issues appeared from early 1807 to early 1808. The humor in Salmagundi was gentle by todays standards, but 200 years ago it seemed startling and the magazines style became a sensation. One lasting contribution to American culture was that Irving, in a joking item in Salmagundi, referred to New York City as Gotham. The reference was to a British legend about a town whose residents were reputed to be crazy. New Yorkers enjoyed the joke, and Gotham became a perennial nickname for the city. Diedrich Knickerbockers A History of New York Washington Irvings first full-length book appeared in December 1809. The volume was a fanciful and often satirical history of his beloved New York City as told by an eccentric old Dutch historian, Diedrich Knickerbocker. Much of the humor in the book played upon the rift between the old Dutch settlers and the British who had supplanted them in the city. Some descendants of old Dutch families were offended. But most New Yorkers appreciated the satire and the book was successful. And while some of the local political jokes are hopelessly obscure 200 years later, much of the humor in the book is still quite charming. During the writing of A History of New York, a woman Irving intended to marry, Matilda Hoffman, died of pneumonia. Irving, who was with Matilda when she died, was crushed. He never again became seriously involved with a woman and remained unmarried. For years after the publication of A History of New York Irving wrote little. He edited a magazine, but also engaged in the practice of law, a profession which he never found very interesting. In 1815 he left New York for England, ostensibly to help his brothers stabilize their importing business after the War of 1812. He remained in Europe for the next 17 years. The Sketch Book While living in London Irving wrote his most important work, The Sketch Book, which he published under the pseudonym of Geoffrey Crayon. The book first appeared in several small volumes in American in 1819 and 1820. Much of the content in The Sketch Book dealt with British manners and customs, but the American stories are what became immortal. The book contained The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the account of schoolmaster Ichabod Crane and his otherworldly nemesis the Headless Horseman, and Rip Van Winkle, the tale of a man who awakens after sleeping for decades. The Sketch Book also contained a collection of Christmas tales which influenced the celebrations of Christmas in 19th century America. Revered Figure at his Estate on the Hudson While in Europe Irving researched and wrote a biography of Christopher Columbus along with a number of travel books. He also worked at times as a diplomat for the United States. Irving returned to America in 1832, and as a popular writer he was able to buy a picturesque estate along the Hudson near Tarrytown, New York. His early writings had established his reputation, and while he pursued other writing projects, including books on the American West, he never topped his earlier successes. When he died on  November 28, 1859 he was widely mourned. In his honor, flags were lowered in New York City as well as on ships in the harbor. The New York Tribune, the influential newspaper edited by Horace Greeley, referred to Irving as the beloved patriarch of American letters. A report on Irvings funeral in the New York Tribune on December 2, 1859, noted, The humble villagers and farmers, to whom he was so well known, were among the truest mourners who followed him to the grave. Irvings stature as a writer endured, and his influence was widely felt. His works, especially The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle are still widely read and considered classics.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

SA Adventures Unlimited Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

SA Adventures Unlimited - Essay Example The first organized trip by SA Adventures Unlimited which was a three-week excursion across Ecuador and Peru that became a resounding success which prompted the business to expand its size and scope. From that single trip, it has grown to having 16 different excursions scheduled that includes trips to Central America. Additional personnel were also recruited that shared their similar passion for South America and the outdoors. As the business grew, the Rodriguez’s however are beginning to experience problems. Two of the tours were beyond the budget because of unanticipated costs which eroded the year’s profit. They also had to refund 30 percent of the tour fee because the group was stranded for five days in Blanco Puente after missing a train connection. Customer satisfaction is declining as customers were beginning to complain about the quality of accommodation and the price of the tours. The Rodriguez’s were also having hard time tracking cost across their projects and did not know their financial position until after their taxes were prepared. Clearly, the Rodriguez’s are having hard time coping with the demands of their expanding business. Excursions were poorly planned resulting in missing train connection and poor accommodation which severely undermined customer’s satisfaction that ultimately reduced their profits. Worst, their inability to track their costs across projects made it more difficult for them to plan future excursions which could undermine the business’s viability.... Each excursion or project that SA Adventures organizes is unique, complex, non-routine, one time effort that is limited by time, budget, resources with the objective of satisfying the customer (Gray & Larson, 2011). Thus, it is imperative that SA Adventures Unlimited must have a good grasp about Project Management to effectively and efficiently utilize human and nonhuman resources to reach predetermined objectives (Gray & Larson, 2011). Such, the extent of the application of Project Management to SA Ventures Unlimited is pervasive in all its operation due to the very nature of business which is organizing excursions that is project based. Project Management is complex. Unlike the traditional task in an organization where functions are segmented, Project Management is non-routinary and requires a lot of  problem  solving, coordination and time management to get a project done on time, within budget and in accordance to customer’s specification  (Gray & Larson, 2011).   The repercussion of failing to define, plan, executive and deliver the service is already obvious in the SA Adventures Unlimited case that it resulted to an erosion of profit and uncertainty to plan future excursions. The nature of the job at SA Adventures Unlimited also required interfacing between the customer and the companies capabilities. Being the interface between the company and the client, SA Adventures Unlimited personnel have to reconcile customer expectation with what is feasible and reasonable  (Gray & Larson, 2011)  and have to resolve issues that may arise as they execute the project. In executing the project, this would require a delicate balancing act between the trade-offs of time, cost and performance to get a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

National Womens Law Center Website Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

National Womens Law Center Website Review - Essay Example ile reviewing the site and particularly the athletics section I found information on what a healthy school would look like for girls, the rally for Girls’ sports day and information on how to set up sports club funds. These three topics and how I found the information will be shared below in order to help anyone who may require information about Title IX or athletics information. To find the athletics information I have reviewed anyone can visit the National Women’s Law Center website by using Google or their web address: The site is easy to navigate to any section whether it is about child care, education, employment, or any other information the National Women’s Law Center provides. Under Education and Title IX topics such as affirmative action, athletics, career and technical education, pregnant and parenting students, school reform, sexual harassment and single sex education can be located. Arriving at the site all you have to do is click on our issues, education and Title IX, and then athletics. Concentrating on the athletics section I found information detailing how the law protects women and girls in addition to such things as fact sheets. The fact sheet about healthy schools addresses the needs of a school and how to provide a â€Å"successful, safe, and healthy† environment for all students including girls (National Womens Law Center, 2011). The article creates a list of factors that should be considered like girls at risk, foster girls’ athletics, protecting girls from harassment and bullying, and ensuring transparency with parents and community members (National Womens Law Center, 2011). This information is helpful to anyone who wants to enroll their child in an athletics program or experiences trouble in school. In school sometimes girls can feel that athletics departments concentrate more on boys by providing sports boys enjoy more than girls. A recent blog was started to rally for Girls’ sports day, where more emphasis can be

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Unethical Drug Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry Research Paper

Unethical Drug Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry - Research Paper Example ned the motives of Big Pharma as they market drugs without adequate regard to the effects that such marketing practices have on the patients and consumers. In their pathological pursuit of profits, drug companies have indeed thrown caution to the winds and have sacrificed ethics at the altar of profits. This paper examines the unethical drug marketing strategies used by Big Pharma by analyzing them from the perspective of utilitarianism and deontology. The emphasis in this paper is on finding out if the drug marketing strategies are justified according to the philosophical theories discussed and whether they satisfy the minimum requirements for ethical behavior. Note that there is no special emphasis on whether these strategies are completely overboard. Instead, the analysis is around whether they meet the basic criterion for ethical behavior and good conduct. The five tactics used by drug companies to market their products can be categorized according to the potential for harm that they cause to patients. This categorization would yield that the following is the order (from the least harmful to the most harmful): physicians targeted promotion, DTCDA, unethical recruitment of physicians, researchers’ conflicts of interests, and data manipulation in clinical trials (Chiu, 2005). Considering the fact that the intended beneficiaries of these strategies who are the patients stand to suffer the most because of these tactics, it is worth asking whether the drug companies have the interests of the shareholders alone in mind when they resort to these practices. The fact that they favor the interests of the few (shareholders) at the expense of the many (the patients) clearly indicates that their marketing strategies are not conscionable from either a utilitarian or deontological point of view. This would be discussed in detail in the succee ding paragraphs. Suffice to say that drug companies are indeed crossing the line as far as ethics and unethical behavior is concerned

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Supermarkets And Consumer Behavior In Vietnam Marketing Essay

Supermarkets And Consumer Behavior In Vietnam Marketing Essay Introduction; product and assignment First I believe it is important to briefly fresh up the memory of what product this assignment is based on. Or at least what the outcome of this gathered information will be compared against. The product to introduce in Vietnam is CartCom. It provides the super markets with a new way to communicate with their customers. It is a plastic bracket that is clicked on the handle of the shopping cart and it can be provided with material as advertisements from suppliers or information from the chain. This material is printed on cardboards and put inside the bracket for customers to observe, read, remember and eventually shop. This assignment will emphasize on the change in the Vietnamese society concerning the way they shop and where they shop. There will be focus on numbers, statistics and facts to justify my statements. First I will concentrate on the change from the charming and typical Vietnamese street markets, to the more western way of grocery shopping: the super markets. Later on I will turn the focus on to the consumer behavior in Vietnam and how the presented information affects the introduction of CartCom to the retail chains in Vietnam. The change from traditional street markets to modern supermarkets C:UsersKamillaDesktopcoop mart in vietnam.jpgC:UsersKamillaDesktopStreet market in Vietnam.jpg There has been a remarkable change in the socio culture regarding the shopping in Vietnam. The trends have now changed the routines of grocery shopping and preferences from street markets to super markets. 56% of the total population in Vietnam is below the age of thirty.  [1]  A young population means growth in purchasing power and therefore the super markets could target Vietnam, expand and push the people of Vietnam to join in on this kind of shopping culture. Vietnam retail Industry Analysis has found that Vietnam is set to undergo a huge transformation from 2007 to 2011.  [2]  The air conditions mini marts and the supermarkets are becoming dominant. This also means that Vietnam is currently experiencing significant changes to the distribution system in particular, but also the food system it selves.  [3]   Supermarkets are replacing the traditional Vietnamese hawkers and markets. Their street life, shopping habits are changing because of western trends are taken into consideration and followed. Many are disappointed, especially guides and tourists, because local markets and street vendors are now closing. But this is all because of the change in the socio culture and the change in the peoples preferences regarding their shopping habits. The government is encouraging the boom in shopping centre development and the abandoning of traditional markets.  [4]  The supermarket business is very successful and the Vietnamese retail market is viewed as the third most promising retail market in the world.  [5]   Supermarkets versus street markets How could the supermarkets take charge in Vietnam? Do they provide the same value as the old markets? Probably they do, if not they would not survive. Concerning the consumer behavior there are three topics to touch upon regarding the Vietnamese retail market. The numbers are collected at Ac Nielsen ´s report on groceries in Vietnam from 2010. First I found that 67% of total consumer expenditure is on fresh food. This means that eventually the supermarkets became excellent in their offerings of fresh food, so the consumers could turn from the street markets (known for the splendid fresh groceries) and to the supermarkets. If the supermarkets did not offer a satisfying solution to the consumers need for fresh food, I believe this change would not be happening so quickly and maybe the local markets would survive a bit longer. The supermarket chains knew what they needed to provide to turn the consumers into supermarket shopping instead of street market shopping. And they succeeded. The second important issue to touch upon is that most consumers (64%) are aware of price changes and are continually searching for promotions. So the supermarkets have an advantage regarding their opportunity to purchase large amounts of goods and groceries, store them and offer promotions weekly and even daily. This in balance with the promise of always having fresh food. High quality goods and frequent big sales are drawing large numbers of shoppers to supermarkets and away from traditional markets. Supermarkets in Ho Chi Minh City are crammed with people during weekends and attracting most middle-income customers.  [6]  This proves the strong positions the supermarkets are now gaining in Vietnam, and Ho Chi Minh City. Finally it is said that Vietnamese people buy and use Vietnamese products. In connection with CartCom; this is why we chose not to provide the advertising material to the CartCom in addition to the bracket. The supermarkets know their suppliers and they know their customers, we have no knowledge and nothing to contribute concerning the design and decisions for the material used inside. To expand the value in our product to new highs, we will look into the possibility of introducing the screens instead of the plastic bracket. We believe this is yet to expensive and complicated, but when we have gotten the retail chains to see the effect of CartCom, we believe there is opportunities for a digital screen on the carts where you will be able to have your shopping list and also receive information and advertisements. Consumer behavior in Vietnam; south compared to north A finding concerning the consumer behavior alone is worth noticing. This is the differences in consumer behavior between north and south in Vietnam. We will introduce CartCom to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) primarily, so I will focus on this city describing the behavior. Regarding promotion the people here favor all types of promotion, and from my point of view they are more innovative and unrestricted. Price promotions alone will not appeal strongly to the consumers in HCMC. In north this type of promotion is the most effective. As a result the CartCom can be explored in many different ways in the south and not only be used to push sale and push information on low prices. The supermarkets can use CartCom to provide advertising using the supplier brands in other promotions like for example dinner tips and exclusiveness, quality and accessibility in stores. One last finding worth discussing is that the people in HCMC and in the south are more early adapters than in the north. It is always important to think of the decision makers. We are in the b2b market and when selling to companies, in our case the supermarket chains, the decision makers will also here be the key to success. Who are making the decisions whether or not to start using CartCom? One thing is certain; if it is people from south that makes the decisions we are more likely to be approved. The supermarkets are in the b2c market and they make decisions on the basis of what they believe their customers will approve of. People in HCMC are innovative, early adapters and approving of new ideas concerning promotions.  [7]  I believe HCMC is a right choice because CartCom has a good chance of succeeding there and also because the people here fit the description of what kind of customers needed for the desirable response we wish to achieve. Conclusion; CartCom in Vietnam We have reasons to believe that the consumer behavior inside the supermarkets in Vietnam do not differ from other countries. The reasons why that is, is the supermarkets have not done any radical changes within the stores to adapt other that of course different food and local suppliers. The customers in Vietnam is like other customers visiting supermarkets, they usually bring a shopping list and make use of a shopping cart or a basket. The customers shopping with kids can place the kids in the cart, but this will not cover the CartCom. As shown in the pictures there are still room for CartComs new advertising space. In the picture to the left a child has joined in on the shopping, the CartCom will be placed under the shoppers right hand. There are cart with baby seats on top of the handle, but they only cover the old seat like this one is using, and not he handle. The bracket is placed on the handle where the cart is being pushed, as shown in the picture to the right. C:UsersKamillaDesktopcartcom.jpgC:UsersKamillaDesktopbaby i vogn The shopping will take place as it usually does, only we see a trend for larger purchases and this may make room for larger stores and bigger amount of carts in the stores. Up until now there had been a change in consumer behavior from street market shopping to the supermarket shopping. This has been The Co-op Mart chain that is CartComs first target has had an increase in both customers and revenues by more than 40% compared to the same period last year.  [8]   There has been a sufficient increase in the supermarket industry and this gains all participants as well as the chains. CartCom we believe will be one of the participants and the increase in profitability in this industry will create opportunities for CartCom to sell more and eventually expand with the screens, as shown in the picture. C:UsersKamillaDesktopskjerm cartcom Will the consumers continue changing their behavior? Another thing worth noticing is the perceived threat of consumers changing their behavior, as they have been doing up until now. The average perception of this is analyzed in Ac Nielsens report on grocery shopping from 2010. The results tell us that Vietnamese consumers are anticipated to change their behavior on several highlighted elements. Elements like purchasing more local food, buy bigger packs to save money, purchase more on promotion and change channel of information received. However because it is expected to change on every subject, I believe this is just another hint telling us that the retail industry will continue growing. I believe the consumer behavior will keep on changing into the western way of shopping, in supermarkets with carts and postponed for in-store advertising. This way of shopping also includes the large purchases to save money and advertising for low prices. The push marketing strategy is becoming old and the chains, we believe, is in need for a new and innovative way of exposing the customers with communication material. I want to highlight one finding from this model. It states that they are anticipating the Vietnamese consumers to buy more Vietnamese products in the close future. This is likely to be a trend to support the countries operations and not import. Also it is supporting short travelled food and environmental focus. Conclusion How inhabitants do their shopping is different in every country. In Vietnam there has been a change from street markets to supermarkets and this creates opportunities for several participants. CartCom is one of them and by introducing a new way of reaching out to consumers during the shopping, we believe we can expand to using screens and that way not be duplicated easily because the plastic brackets are just the beginning of a revolution within in-store advertising. The Ac Nielsen grocery report 2010